American Businessman Jack Dorsey Current Net Worth – A Complete Analysis

As of 2020, he owns 11.6 Billion dollars in his name. He is a businessman and entrepreneur. He is known as co-founder of Twitter. When Twitter in 2013 went public, Jack Dorsey was billionaire within some hours. In the times when Donald Trump befitted president, the Net worth of Jack Dorsey increased 240% more than any businessman.

Many people know him as the Co-founder and Co-creator of Twitter; he has also Square- A mobile payment and Financial Service Company. He is the CEO of that company. His current Net worth is what it is because of Square. He earns most of his money from Square.

Jack Dorsey Net Worth

Jack Dorsey the co-founder and co-creator of the popular social media platform ‘Twitter’. Many might guess his majority of Jack Dorsey net worth comes from Twitter but it was wrong. Dorsey is a web developer too and his majority of net worth comes from his mobile payment company square.

As mentioned above, Jack Dorsey net worth is approximately $11.6 billion. Jack owns just 2% of Twitter’s outstanding shares, which equals to $800 million. But, he owns 43 million shares of his company ‘square’, which equals to 9$ billion. Apart from that, he owns around 1 billion USD as cash and other assets.

Factors contributing to Jack Dorsey’s Net worth:

Most of the Net Worth has come from Square and not Twitter. In Square, he has shares of roughly 13% of outstanding shares. Twitter too is a big success for him and he has roughly 2% of the company’s outstanding shares.

How Jack Dorsey Made money (His Net worth):

He was involved in web development when he was a student. There only he found Twitter, a Social Networking site. When he found Twitter, it was not much appreciated by people and he received many critics for it. But it took a wide turn when celebrities started using it and doing tweets. At present time to Twitter allows celebrities to access and provides them with a professional platform that they never had.

In 2010, Jack Dorsey found Square, an online payment platform and it was a successful launch. In 2015, Square offered an IPO and became publicly traded.

Jack’s Net Worth could have been more than it is now:

Jack Dorsey has a net worth that could envy any businessman or entrepreneur. But his actual Net Worth could have been more if he had been selfish for his salary from Twitter and if he had not done so many donations. He really feels the pain of someone and always tries to help them.

He feels the same greatness by giving money, the way he feels when people use his technology for the first time.

Born of Twitter:

Like many famous entrepreneurs, Dorsey had also taken a drop and started his company before getting a degree. His company was offering dispatch software online. He then came up with an innovation that could dispatch software with instant messages. He then came up with Twitter in a very short time.

Fired from Twitter and then return again:

Jack Dorsey was fired from Twitter. He had disputes with William, the mainboard member. William made him leave and Jack was declared as not so conventional CEO for Twitter. Twitter made him blame for his site crashes and his personal choices of leaving early and spending time for himself were questioned.

But Jack Dorsey returned to Twitter as interim CEO and then CEO again. When William left Twitter, Jack joined.

Almost joined Facebook:

Facebook is still a rival of Twitter. When Jack was fired from Twitter, he in haste, called the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and wanted to work with Facebook. He had joined Facebook if Mark Zuckerberg had a specific role for him in his company.

Jack Dorsey Childhood:

In his childhood, he was fascinated by Trains and used to spend hours in train yards. In his teen years, he made a tracking system of emergency vehicles on maps. Police scanners fascinated him and gave his idea for Twitter. Police to tell each other where they were going and what they were up to, that idea Jack applied for Twitter, used those scanners.

Long Term Plan:

When he moved to Manhattan at the age of 19 only, he felt and feels safe in New York. He aims to be City’s mayor-which he stated once.

He does not like to be called a nerd for his excessive programming skills and he takes that as an insult.

Imitating Steve Jobs:

Steve Jobs and Jack Dorsey have many similarities: Both were fired from the company they had founded, both were dropouts. And as if it was not enough, after successfully launching Square, Jack started imitating Steve jobs. He used to walk and talk just like him. He used to wear clothes like him and for that, many criticized him.

Inspiring Employees by taking to golden Bridge:

Where bridges end, he takes his employees there to make them understand that how one should look at the bridge as its simplicity and functions and should not worry about engineering to build it. The technology will diminish when one wants to express feeling.


Philanthropy is generosity for any person and not any obligation to do so. Like many philanthropists, Jack Dorsey makes donations. He has spent his fortune on relief funds for the recent Pandemic, education, the health of women, and many more.

In 2018-19, he himself suggested to his compensation committee that he would relinquish any other compensation than his basic salary.

Is being CEO of two companies a crime?

Jack Dorsey founded Square when he was fired from Twitter. When twitter had an uncertain future, Jack was asked to join Twitter again for Twitter’s survival. He joined as interim CEO then permanent.

Many people have always pointed at him that he cannot be the CEO of two companies at once. But as the two companies are completely different and are leading in the individual segments. Jack splits his time with both companies and manages them.

Achievements and Awards:

In 2008, he had his name in 35 innovators around the globe under the age of 35. In 2012, he won the “Innovator of the year award”- given to him by the Wall Street Journal. He has ups and downs in his life and likewise the same is the case with his awards and appreciation.

He received some awards which he must not be proud to be having. His name was popped up as Worst CEO of 2016-17 by Fox business and Wall Street.

Unknown Facts of Jack Dorsey:
  • On April 7, 2020, Jack gave $1 billion to the global COVID – 19 relief fund from his square equity. He also said that after disarming this global pandemic, his focus will be on improving girl’s health and education.
  • By December 2020, the start small given away $274 million
Wrapping Up

The co-founder and co-creator of Twitter Jack Dorsey net worth are around $11.6 billion. Though he has so many criticisms from many experts around the world, still jack is a role model for many.

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About the Author: Mike